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The Questions & Answers

Question #1

Who owns brands like Crest, Febreze, Bounty and Tide?

Answer: Proctor & Gamble

Question #2:

If you put $10,000 in Procter & Gamble 10 years ago, what would it be worth today?

Answer: $24,300

Question #3:

What company owns Ring, The Washington Post,  Audible, and Whole Foods Market?

Answer: Amazon

Question #4:

If you put $10,000 in Amazon 10 years ago, what would it be worth today?

Answer: $77,920

Question #5:

What company makes the GPU Chip inside your XBOX, PS4, or Nintendo Switch?

Answer: Nvidia

Question #6:

If you put $10,000 in Nvidia 10 years ago, what would it be worth today?

Answer: 1.73 Million

Question #7:

The Latte Effect. If you invested the $5.50 you pay for a Starbucks Latte instead of purchasing a Latte every day, assuming you could earn 10% every year, how much money would you have 25 years from now?

Answer: $194,500

Question #8:

How many companies are listed on the various stock exchanges in the United States?

Answer: 10,050

Watch the video below to see how we use Riskalzye™ to manage our clients investment portfolios based upon their Risk Number™

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”

— Benjamin Franklin

Investment Principles

Watch the video below of Brian Muller, Founder, and Senior Wealth Advisor discussing the 9 Investment Principles of Momentous Wealth Advisors:

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Stock Investing

When it comes to investing in individual stocks, discipline is key. We use an advanced screening process called The Momentous P.R.U.D.E.N.T Process™ to identify focus stocks to add to our client’s portfolios. It starts with an underutilized principle called “The Rule of 40.”

What Makes Momentous Wealth Advisors Different?

Listen to Brian D. Muller, Founder and Senior Wealth Advisor talk about the Momentous Wealth Difference.

The Momentous Wealth Difference by Brian Muller, Founder and Senior Wealth Advisor

Brian Muller is an Investment Advisor Representative (IAR) of XY Investment Solutions, dba Momentous Wealth Advisors LLC, a SEC Registered Investment Advisory firm.

We provide investment advisory services, which differ in services and fees from broker-dealers. It's important to understand the difference.

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