Investment Principles
Watch the video below of Brian Muller, Founder, and Senior Wealth Advisor discussing the 9 Investment Principles of Momentous Wealth Advisors:

Our Investment Principles
Asset Allocation is critical and a key driver of long-term results. Having the right mix for your stage of life will be more important over time to help reach your most important financial goals.
Stay Invested- Market Timing simply does not work. If you get out of the market, you will always find a reason not to get back in. Learn more here.
*Don’t Chase Performance- What did well this year, may not do well next year.
Diversify- Having the right mix of investments will lower your volatility and give you more consistent returns over time to achieve your goals.
Avoid Over-Concentration - Don’t own more than 10% in any one company.
Rebalance Regularly- A 70/30 mix of stocks and bonds will eventually not be. Keep your mix aligned with your goals and your financial plan.
Passive investment Strategies are an important component of a portfolio to keep fees low.
Ignore The Noise- Press makes noise to sell advertising. Markets will fluctuate. Stay focused on your plan.
Don’t Play Politics With Your Investment Strategy- We can’t predict who will take office. There is a lot of misconceptions and opinions on what will happen if one party gets into office versus the other. Learn more here.
*Nothing shows Principle #3 better than the Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns. It depicts annual returns for key asset classes, ranked from the best to worst performance for each calendar year from 2004-2023. Click below to view.
What You Can Expect As a New Client
Step 1 - Initial Discovery Call
Before committing to anything, we will have a 15-30 minute phone call to determine how we may be able to help with your particular situation.
Step 2 – First Office Meeting
The goal of this meeting is to get clear on your goals, concerns and unique financial situation. We will start with finding out “What Is Important To You?” From there we will gather information using our W.E.A.L.T.H Process. We will have you fill out a risk profile to determine your Risk Number which will help us balance the risk required to meet your goals, your risk capacity and your individual risk tolerance.
Step 3 - Our Analysis
We will use our experience and planning first approach to answer the following questions:
Can you retire when you desire and stay comfortable retired?
Can your Investment portfolio be improved?
Do you have the right mix of investments for your risk tolerance and stage of life?
What are you paying in fees with your current advisor?
Step 4- Recommendations
We will discuss our recommendations and how we will work together if you choose to hire us as your wealth advisor.
Answer any questions or concerns.
Schedule a meeting to fill out paperwork or start the process if you are ready.
Step 5 - Meeting/Paperwork
During this meeting we will answer any questions you have and if you are ready, start the paperwork to become a client and talk about what to expect your first year as a client.
30- Day Check In
We will check in with you once your plan and investment strategy is implemented to answer any questions you may have. We will also make sure you are able to view everything on the client portal and connect any outside assets to our CircleBlack service.
Your First Year and Beyond as a Client
An Outlook Call for the year ahead and a summary of the previous year’s performance. We will discuss any changes that should be made to start the year off right. We will also update your financial plan with any changes to your financial situation.
1st Quarter Performance review over Zoom. We will also get a copy of your tax return when you have it completed for the previous year and do a Holistiplan Tax Analysis to uncover any tax planning opportunities.
Mid-Year Review and summary of 2nd Quarter Performance. We will discuss opportunities and any changes that need to be made. We will also update your financial plan with any new changes to your financial situation.
3rd Quarter Performance Review. We will discuss any tax loss harvesting opportunities in taxable accounts. We will also go over your financial plan in detail.
*Sometimes there are things that need to be addressed before scheduled meetings. We will always keep you informed of things that we need to change, whether it is your withdrawal rate or a particular investment that needs to be sold.

Does Your Portfolio Fit You?
Ambiguous terms such as "conservative" or "moderately-aggressive" cause confusion in the investment arena. That is why we use Riskalzye™ by Nitrogen Wealth, because generalizing client risk tolerance doesn't work. Investors view risk through their own, unique lens to gauge risk and return tradeoffs.
The Risk Number® is an objective, mathematical approach to removing subjectivity by quantifying the risk of investors and portfolios. The Risk Number is calculated based on downside risk. On a scale from 1 to 99, the greater the potential loss, the greater the Risk Number.
Watch the Video Below To Learn More:

Take The First Step
Schedule a discovery call. Fill out the information below and we will be in touch.

Brian Muller is an Investment Advisor Representative (IAR) of XY Investment Solutions, dba Momentous Wealth Advisors LLC, a SEC Registered Investment Advisory firm.
We provide investment advisory services, which differ in services and fees from broker-dealers. It's important to understand the difference.
XYPN Sapphire and Momentous Wealth Advisors LLC Disclosures