Risk Number™ by Riskalyze

Ambiguous terms such as "conservative" or "moderately-aggressive" cause confusion in the investment arena. That is why we use Riskalzye™ by Nitrogen Wealth, because generalizing client risk tolerance doesn't work. Investors view risk through their own, unique lens to gauge risk and return tradeoffs.

The Risk Number® is an objective, mathematical approach to removing subjectivity by quantifying the risk of investors and portfolios. The Risk Number is calculated based on downside risk. On a scale from 1 to 99, the greater the potential loss, the greater the Risk Number.

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Make sure your investments meet your goals without keeping you up at night.

Put Your Portfolio to the Test

We can stress-test your current and/or proposed portfolio to assess its chances for long-term success. We can show how your portfolio would be impacted if we experience a financial crisis similar to what happened in 2008, or what would happen in a strong year, like 2013. And we can show you in dollars, rather than percentages, the likely loss or gain you’ll experience over certain time frames. A 5% loss may not seem like a big deal, but consider what it really means. If it could result in $100,000 or $250,000 disappearing from your retirement savings, you might need to rethink your strategy, especially if you're nearing retirement.

Riskalyze™ is a portfolio risk analysis tool that we use with clients to help them better understand their portfolio’s current and desired risk level.

  • Determines your current and desired portfolio risk number (1-100)

  • Identifies the gap between desired and actual risk

  • Helps develop reasonable expectations for your portfolio return based on risk

  • Displays how your portfolio would perform in real-world scenarios

  • Provides a probability range of predicted future performance 

Understanding your Risk Tolerance comes down to how far can your portfolio fall within a fixed period of time before you capitulate, and make a fear-driven investing decision.

Portfolio Analysis

Detailed Portfolio Stats

In-depth analysis of everything from modeled performance comparisons, sector breakdowns, regional exposure, and more!

Individual Security Analysis

Rich set of analytics and metrics for individual stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds.


Security analysis and fund screening. Discovery quickly dives into investment research based on the most important search criteria including the Risk Number®, GPA®, expense ratios, and more.

Stress Tests and model scenarios

Run portfolios through historical scenarios to illustrate what is ‘normal.’

Investment Roadmap